
- What is cork?
Cork is made from the bark of the cork oak tree, the ˇ°Quercus suber.
- Where does cork come from?
Cork comes from the cork oak tree originating in the Qinglin Mountain Shaanxi province which is involved in 85% of the China production of cork.
- Why is cork considered a natural product?
Cork is a natural product because it is harvested from the cork oak tree . Cork retains its natural properties regardless of processing.
- How are cork tiles processed?
After the bark is stripped from the cork oak tree, they are stacked into piles and left to ˇ°seasonˇ± in the field for one year. The seasoned bark is then tied together and boiled. This flattens the bark so that it can be easier processed. After it has been cooled, the cork is sorted according to quality for varying uses.
- How does the manufacturing of floor cork differ from that of wall cork?
Both wall and floor cork is made of cork bark. Ground and pressed cork is almost always used as backing. Wall cork is put together with less pressure than floor cork. Floor cork is pressed with 300 t0 500 kilogram per m3 while most wall cork tiles is pressed with 50 to 150 kilogram per m3 or not pressed at all.
- How much pressure needs to be applied for floor cork?
Opinions differ about the amount of pressure to be applied for floor cork. Before tiles acquire a particular resilience, it needs to be put under a certain amount of pressure. Our experience is that at least 450 kilo needs to be applied to produce a proper floor tile, one that will be solid while still remaining flexible enough for true comfort.
- Why is cork considered environmentally friendly?
Cork is an environmentally friendly product because immediately after the bark is removed from the tree, new bark begins to grow. This bark will be ready for harvesting in nine years. It is not necessary, therefore, to cut down any of the trees.
- Is cork waterproof?
Cork is naturally waterproof (think of the cork used in wine bottles)
- What areas are best suited for cork flooring.
Cork is naturally suitable for all areas of the house especially kitchens, bathrooms and entry areas where moisture could pose a problem for other floor coverings.
- Does cork insulate?
Cork has a warm feeling to it. Cork absorbs and retains the heat of its surroundings for a period of time. It is not a conductor of heat, rather it retains the heat that is already present in a particular area .
- Is cork soundproof?
Cork absorbs sound and limits echoing effects. It does not eliminate but helps to muffle sound and improve the acoustics.
- Why is cork considered to be a hygienic floor?
Cork is anti-static. It does not attract dust and does not retain it. Floor cork can be cleaned simply with a dry cloth or a mop and clear water. Cork is the ideal floorovering for at home or the workplace. ICork's anti-static properties are ideal for computer rooms.
- How can a cork floor be durable and pliable at the same time.
Cork flooring is produced under high pressure and impact resistant. Thanks to its resilient cells it remains pliable. Its durability is obtained by finishing the floor with a cork floor finish that is specifically manufactured for cork.
- Is cork massed produced with repeating designs?
Because cork is made of a natural product, no two tiles are identical. Every corktile design is unique. Shade variances are a natural occurance that give cork its uniqueness.
- How easy is it to install cork?
Most people have few if any problems in installing cork. the resilient material is pleasant to work with and can be installed with minimal effort. Because of its thickness, cork can be installed on most floors without any additional work (such as shortening of doors. increasing the depth of the basic floor surface). It can be cut simply with a Stanley knife and glued to most floor surfaces with some minor preparations. Thanks to its natural color and varied structure, cork fits in most interiors without drastic decorating changes. And, in addition, do not overlook the easy maintenance.
- Is cork heat and cold resistant?
Cork is temperature resistant from -180 degrees C to + 110 degrees C.
- Is cork flammable?
cork is fire retardant.